Liza Kulagina
doing something into the void
Все товары
Независимая художница Лиза
Проект в рамках обучения в ВШЭ, в котором я исследую рыночную составляющую искусства. В современном мире художник должен активно заниматься продвижением своих работ, что влияет на его практику. Меня беспокоит зависимость от маркетинговых процессов и соцсетей, поэтому я ищу альтернативные способы взаимодействия с аудиторией, обходя посредников.
This project i did for my beloved grandmother
"God, save our vegetables"

Проект посвящён воспоминаниям.
Рисунки выполнены на советских обоях акриловыми красками.

Art in private collection
"Untitled". 2020. acrylic on canvas
in a private collection
Все товары
Artist’s Statement
I was born on Sakhalin. Now I live and work in Moscow. I am a clinical psychologist by education and am currently studying on contemporary artist at HSE. I have been doing art for over 10 years.e

  • I take part in local and international exhibitions and fairs of contemporary art, residencies and educational initiatives aimed at education in the field of contemporary art. I am a project manager at the Foundation for the Support of Contemporary Art, where I organize exhibitions, concerts and other events aimed at supporting creators working in the field of contemporary art. My pieces are in private collections all over the world.
  • I work with acrylic paints, capturing moments from everyday life. I prefer acrylic paint because it suits my drawing technique, which reflects the speed of life itself. Life is like a quick series of photos taken in the blink of an eye. Like my painting: this is what my eyes see in a specific second before and after each blink.
  • At the moment I am exploring new artistic mediums, striving to expand the possibilities of my creativity and the expressive facets of my works.
Liza Kulagina (b. 1991, Moscow, Russia).

I'm a Russian artist who works with acrylic paints on canvas on the themes of everyday life.

I am a clinical psychologist by education and am currently studying on contemporary artist at HSE. I've been drawing for about 10 years. I have completed courses in the history of contemporary art at the HSE, art courses at the Stroganov Moscow Academy of Art and Industry, and courses for artists at the Garage Museum of Modern Art. Now I am studying at the HSE in the additional professional education program "Practices of Contemporary Art"

I was a participant in the following exhibitions:
  1. November, 2024. Participant of a group exhibition "Cementery". Moscow, AAcademy19
  2. July, 2024. Participant of a group exhibition "Colorful". Petrozavodsk, "Cherdak" place.
  3. May, 2024. Participant of a group exhibition "What will happen next?". Moscow, ArtCollecting.Space.
  4. April, 2024.Participant of a group exhibition Borsch Gallery and SOK. Moscow, Beijing gardens
  5. April, 2024. Participant of a group exhibition "Goosebumps", Novosibirsk, GBNTB.
  6. February, 2024.Participant of art fair "Lamp", Moscow, Artplay.
  7. October, 2023. Participant of art fair "Win-Win", Moscow, Winzavod.
  8. July, 2023. Participant of a group exhibition in Raduga Disco Club. Moscow
  9. May, 2023. Participant "Port art fair". Saint-P., Sevkabel port
  10. May, 2023.Participant of art fair "Lamp", Moscow, Artplay.
  11. May, 2023. Participant of art fair by "Vystavochnye Zaly Moscow", Moscow, Nikitsky boulevard
  12. December, 2022. Participant of a group exhibition "Gifts for friends", Moscow, Factory
  13. October, 2022. Participant of the exposition at the event " Artflection", Moscow, Hlebzavod
  14. October, 2022. Participant of art fair "Win-Win", Moscow, Winzavod.
  15. March, 2022. Participant of art fair "Lamp", Moscow, Artplay.
  16. December, 2022. Acollection is the first group exhibition of NFT works by contemporary Russian artists by AFF.

  1. September, 2023. Participant of the residence of the art laboratory "Stories and materials. A practical guide to art". Samara, art center “Zero Room".

  1. September, 2024 Collaboration with Archybald.Link
  2. January, 2024. Collaboration with Raduga DiscoClub. Link.
  3. March, 2024. The painting "Stuck Together" in the video Stereo Width: Link

Winzavod: Link
NFT: Link
Experience sharing: Link
Yandex Q: Link
About art: Link
И ещё!
Тиражные работы можно приобрести здесь:
Некоторые мои работы можно посмотреть и приобрести в винтажном кластере "Корпус 7" (Москва, Большой Трехсвятительский, 2/1 с7)
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